Adventures in Wander-land - Mozambique and Honduras

My year in Mozambique and Honduras



Wednesday 19 October 2011

Bilene and birthday time...

Week 10 -
I had a great Hash weekend. Bilene is beautiful and it was nice to get out of the city. Our chalet was almost on the beach and as it’s a lagoon, the water is shallow, blue, warm and perfect!

We had dinner on the Friday in the restaurant and then stayed in the bar for the remainder of the evening. The Hash on Saturday, with a combination of hills, swamps and sand dunes and 300degree heat was a struggle, as we all felt a little fragile. I am used to people trying to sell me fairly useless items but it made my day when a man tried to sell me, in his words, “a tiny handbag”. He was not wrong, it was a ‘handbag’ the size of a phone, made from a palm leaf. He was offended when I asked him; why on earth I would need such a thing. He said that lots of people buy them and they are both attractive and practical. I then thought to myself, maybe I do need one, perhaps this is what I need to make my life complete...I think I had a touch of sunstroke. We took a boat trip across the lagoon and it was like being on a Rag Raid; beer and outrageous songs, but as I have said before, a slighter older crowd! Saturday evening was good fun as lots of the Peace Corps guys were there, which was nice. 

I have decided that I will live in a beach hut in Bilene at some point in the future and sell ice creams. If my only competition is tiny palm leaf handbags, I think I could make a roaring trade. 

I hadn’t felt at all well last week and it was rather a low point for me. Maputo felt that little bit too hectic and I wanted just a week at home. My glands were swollen and I was constantly exhausted. Thankfully I feel better this week but am still overdosing on Vitamin C and oranges in the hope that it will keep me healthy.  

I also felt slightly insane last week. I think I need to keep busy and also go to the gym more often! I’ve also decided that whatever people say, I don’t like having time on my own or having time to be self-reflective, it just makes me a little crazy. I am a do-er not a think-er and I like to be busy and surrounded by people. I have come to Africa and discovered what I always knew! 

Vovo came home on Sunday, after a month away! I didn’t realise how much I’d missed her. Her birthday was while she was away, and in true Vovo style, she reminded us of this and said “So where are my presents?” She is too rude but you have to laugh as she doesn’t mean to be! We bought her a capulana, some nail varnish, as we all paint our nails together every Saturday, a case for her phone and some earrings. She cried when we gave them to her and then sang, as she was so happy. I love her! She seems much sprightlier after her operation and keeps apologising for being away for so long. 

Last night, was one of the best nights so far! Simply, we had delicious food, hot water, today is a holiday and we didn’t have to stay up and watch soaps with Vovo. When her son is here we turn the hot water on and we have really good food; chicken breast as opposed to chicken god only knows what, cheese, real butter and sandwiches for breakfast! It sounds silly but it really is the simple things that make you happy!

Nasti is happy, as for 9 months, she has lived with ‘2 animals’ in the shower; a worm and a grasshopper of some kind. Despite washing them down the plughole numerous times, they always came back. This week, a spider joined the group and it became too much. I caught them in a cup and took them outside and made her day! Crazy German. 

Today is another public holiday! I love this country. Everything and anything can result in a holiday. They always seem surprised that England doesn’t have more and have come to the conclusion that it’s because ‘it’s too cold for holidays’. 

It’s my birthday tomorrow! If you had asked me, a few years ago, where I thought I would be spending my 23rd birthday, I don’t think I would have said Maputo! I am going out for dinner tomorrow evening with 11 friends, to the Thai restaurant in the city. I am very excited for Friday because, as birthday presents are unlikely to arrive, Mum and James have bought me spa treatments instead! I know, it’s very unvolunteer-y but it will be nice to feel truly clean, even for a few hours. The sad thing is, I will step outside, onto a chapa and be dusty and dirty again! On Friday evening, we are having a party in the city and going out. Jan is in charge of the Tipo Tinto supplies and Nick is in charge of the food; cheese balls, samosas, spring rolls, brigaderos. I’m actually really happy that I get to have a birthday here. It will be such a mixed group but all my friends so I can’t wait. I will take lots of pictures.

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